
Diablo 2 mercenary too far below me in level
Diablo 2 mercenary too far below me in level

Malthael, former Archangel of Wisdom, embodied death as the Angel of Death. The Crusader told their former apprentice that when they died, they would know whether death was the fire or the night, and that they had known what death was all along. A Master Crusader described death as "the coldest night on the plains, with a warm fire at your feet. When pressed, he asked whether someone could describe their own birth. The Guardian stated that it was impossible to describe death to one who was still living. Yet the 'string' was drawn back, and her spirit wound up in the Pandemonium Fortress. Isendra likened her moment of death as being akin to a bowstring-as she died, she found herself being stretched over all of Sanctuary. The spirits of humans who have died have sometimes described death in different ways.

diablo 2 mercenary too far below me in level

Even as the nephalem grew in number, many more were found by death, as it spread across the world. Gratian was the first of their number to be slain, followed closely by Bersarik.

diablo 2 mercenary too far below me in level

Early nephalem were unaware of death, at least in as much as it applied to themselves.

Diablo 2 mercenary too far below me in level